

Well as you can see Spore is a creature creator. Once you start you have to decide whether you will be a herbivore or a carnivore. I chose a carnivore. Then you make a cell. Here’s mine:


You then have to eat as much as you can. The more you eat the bigger you get. Once you get big enough you will add legs and evolve into a land creature. I changed mine a lot  during this stage. Here he is now:

Spore creature

Once you’re in this stage you will have a nest. At this nest there will be your family. You will also have to go around and either make friends with or destroy other creatures. Once you do enough of this you will move onto the tribal stage. When you’re in this stage you will attack other tribes in a group. And guess what? Once you’ve done enough of this you will move onto the civilization  stage. Where you will make an empire. But the strange thing is since you have taken out all the other creatures, you will have to fight yourselves and unify the entire planet. And……..Once you do that you will move onto the Space Stage. And this stage is extremely complex and if you want me to a section on it. Well..em…then just tell me!


Get the game!

If you would like to get the game (which I recommend)  it will cost just 14.99. But for now…….BBBYyYYEEE!!!

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